Manage your cost of living

Deals and Promotions

You may find the full list of our merchant partners and exclusive deals through the following options:

U Portal

  • 'Memberships' > 'Deals for members'
  • NTUC Union Members can log in to view your promo code for selected deals


  • Homepage > Membership benefits > Cost of Living > NTUC Membership Deals


You may enjoy the benefits with our partner merchants by flashing your NTUC Card or e-Card on the MyNTUC app unless otherwise stated. Please refer to the terms & conditions of the respective deals and promotions.


As the benefits of NTUC Union Membership are non-transferable, you may explore our NTUC Family Membership (NFM) programme which offers a variety of benefits for everyone in the family.


NTUC Group Term Life Insurance for Trade Union Members (GIFT) is a group insurance policy exclusively for members of NTUC affiliated unions/associations. All union members who are below 65 years old are automatically covered against death and total/partial & permanent disability of up to S$40,000 subjected to other T&Cs. Members are not required to apply for the insurance as they are automatically covered as part of their membership.


Find out more information about GIFT here. 

You are eligible for NTUC GIFT if you fulfill the following:


  • Members who are 16 to 65 years of age (include spouses below the age of 65, i.e., before their 65th birthday)
  • Members must have at least 6 continuous months of membership at point of occurrence

NTUC Union Members aged 65 years old and above who and meet the minimum membership tenure criteria will be eligible for GIFT Extension to enjoy extended coverage, subject to a token fee payment which currently has been waived* until 2026.


To find out more information about GIFT Extension, you may download the NTUC GIFT brochure from our resource hub here and refer to page 10.


*Terms and conditions apply

Please submit the completed claim form and supporting documents to us via Nicole (Virtual Assistant) by referring to the steps below:


1) Scroll right under "Members Programmes" and select "NTUC Gift Insurance"
2) Select "How to submit a claim?"
3) Select "Submit a claim now"


Please note that GIFT claim must be submitted within 90 days of Death or Permanent Disability. The claim processing duration is 4-6 weeks; subjected to the submission of all the required documents.


Visit our Resource Hub here to view/download the NTUC GIFT Death Claim Form and the NTUC GIFT Total/Partial & Permanent Disability (TPD) Claim Form.


U Care Assistance Programme

The U Care Assistance Programmes include grants and programmes to support our NTUC Union Members financially. For more detailed information on eligibility and application guide, do check out each of the programme’s page here.


U Care Assistance Programmes       About the programme

NTUC Care Fund

(Youth Enable)

It is a grant which aims to provide continual support for youths in Institutes of Higher Learning (“IHL”) to complete their studies in times of adversity due to sudden and unforeseen circumstances.


Find out more information here and apply via OneCARE website here.



NTUC Care Fund


It is an assistance programme which aims to assist our low-income union members to cover their cost of basic necessities and their children's school expenses.


Find out more information here and steps to apply here.


NTUC Care Fund

(Special Assistance)


The NTUC Care Fund (Special Assistance) provides one-time cash relief to ease their financial burden on the rising cost of living for daily essentials.


Find out more information here.


U Care Hardship Grant                

It is a one-off financial assistance for low-income NTUC Union Members in the event that the members suffer from hardship that is non-industrial in nature.


Find out more information here.


CapitaLand – U Care Resilience & Enablement Fund (CAP+Ure Fund)     

CAP+Ure Fund provides interim financial support for low-to-medium income NTUC union members who are impacted by total and sudden (unexpected) loss of income. To ensure that the needs of the children are not compromised, each child will receive a one-time disbursement of S$250 worth of FairPrice vouchers to provide their daily necessities and schooling needs.


Find out more information here.



 LIFT-UP Pathfinder

LIFT-UP Pathfinder Programme aims to assist low-income members to up-lift and upskill as a family. Funding support will be based on family size (no capped amount) and non-transferable.


Find out more information here.



Family Fun Fiesta


The Family Fun Fiesta (F3) @ Downtown East is organised and sponsored by NTUC Club in support of the Labour Movement’s U Care initiative.


Find out more information here.