Model ID: 2c59f0c6-3109-4ca7-a073-cd03624c1c31 Sitecore Context Id: 2c59f0c6-3109-4ca7-a073-cd03624c1c31;

Speech by NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng at e2i Career Coaching Series on Skillsfuture Jobseeker Support Scheme

Model ID: 2c59f0c6-3109-4ca7-a073-cd03624c1c31 Sitecore Context Id: 2c59f0c6-3109-4ca7-a073-cd03624c1c31;
27 Aug 2024
MOM - NTUC Skillsfuture Jobseeker Support scheme.JPG
Model ID: 2c59f0c6-3109-4ca7-a073-cd03624c1c31 Sitecore Context Id: 2c59f0c6-3109-4ca7-a073-cd03624c1c31;

Brother Tan See Leng,


It is always difficult to speak after a Minister, especially on the back of such breakthrough and good news that Minister Tan had announced this afternoon.

Well, therefore, what can I say? Maybe I will share with you some of the background and give you a glimpse into the story of NTUC coming into this space to champion your interests, or what the job seekers your interests or past activities.

Some of you are PMEs, some of you may not be voluntarily unemployed today, but looking towards new possibilities in the workplace.

Know that NTUC, regardless of the circumstances, whether a brother that maybe rather somewhat more mature than me looking for a job, seeking assurance from retirement adequacy.

Whether it is a sister, the ladies in front looking to switch jobs. NTUC have put in many, many hours to listen to your needs, and we hope to be alongside you to champion your needs.

Coming back to this Jobseeker Support Scheme. It has taken us 10 years to advocate for fellow workers like you, to move government policy.

Truth be told, behind all the collaboration that NTUC has with MOM, and you know, not in all cases, we see eye to eye. In the discussion for involuntary displaced workers seeking out jobs and support, it is one area that we did not see eye to eye for 10 years.

So it is a momentous moment when I heard that the Government has taken in NTUC’s views to move in this space. And this afternoon, I would like to make a special shout out to Minister Tan, Minister Josephine, previously MOM, and all our MOM colleagues for taking in NTUC’s views, inputs and put forth this job support scheme for all of our displaced workers. Thank you very much.

As I was alluding to you just now, on the larger scale, last year, NTUC embarked on the Every Worker Matters Conversation, engaging 40,000 of workers from all walks of life. This is on top of the PME Taskforce that Minister Tan mentioned — 10,000.

We spent 8000, close to 10,000 hours to engage individuals, face-to-face, through polls, to understand the needs of each segment of our workforce. It was a tremendous effort. And again, if I can reiterate maybe a little bit what Min Tan said.

I know one third of you here are members of NTUC. To the two thirds, do give us a consideration so that we can be alongside you, not just when you come to e2i, but in all the circumstances or the challenges of the workplace — for protection, for privileges in our social enterprises, including our supermarket, in terms of job placement, job progression.

There are many things that we can do together when we have you as a member. We can not only take care of your individual interests to protect you, but also as a collective — have the strength as a Labour Movement to talk to employers and to continue our relationship with the Government to move your interest.

Please join the NTUC. It is only $9 a month, and you get many more benefits in return, and for jobseekers like you, for the table that I'm seated with the ladies, know that if you join NTUC and you are above 40 years old, NTUC provides a $500 to fund for you to go for training every year. Not in the numbers that Government can support, but whatever we can, it will go some way. Do join us.

So, as Minister mentioned about the specifics of the Jobseeker Support Scheme, again, the $6,000, I think, will go some ways to support an anxious, involuntarily displaced worker. $6,000 over six months, indeed, will be very helpful.

For those of you here today that are not involuntarily unemployed — and some of the ladies at my table have told me they want to switch roles, want to upgrade — know that the Government, through what PM announced in the NDR has put forward $72,000 over two years to support your learning.

$3000 a month if you're eligible, to support your training in our Institutes of Higher Learning, whether it is a polytechnic, with whatever course — the details will be announced later.

So, in combination, for all my Brothers and Sisters here, if you are retrenched, you have the $6000; if you are not retrenched, but are looking to switch careers, upgrade yourselves, know that there are packages to actually support you.

Confusing, isn't it? So many schemes to help you. Well, that is a happy problem, because our Government provides so much. But be with NTUC — our career coaches, our NTUC officers can explain to you and help you, along with all the different support programmes the Government provides, across a whole myriad of various workers of different age groups. From the youth all the way to the seniors, from the professionals all the way to people of the technical preferences, and so on and so forth. It is a very varied landscape but join us so that we can support you.

And maybe let me just conclude on a last point. For all the things that Minister Tan and all the things that NTUC can put on the table for you, can I ask you truly, to take action as individuals, even if you do not join NTUC — to take action, to seize these new opportunities, new upgrading, to upskill yourself, so that as workers, we can be relevant in a very fast changing world.

Technologies are moving rapidly. If you are a PME, well, what you could have learned in the past in terms of skill, in terms of knowledge, today, can be displaced by AI. Our coach was just showing you an analysis done by artificial intelligence.

So technology is not just displacing blue collar workers on skills, where robotic automation can displace skillsets, but now even as intellectuals, we are on the cusp of artificial intelligence either replacing us, or if we do it right, augmenting our possibilities.

Make sure ChatGPT does not displace you. Make sure ChatGPT is only subservient and able to augment your usefulness and relevance as a working person in Singapore.

NTUC will do our utmost to be alongside you. With the Government, with MOM led by Minister Tan, I'm confident that we can do so. So, can we again show appreciation to Minister Tan?

It is a very good move, a very good first step. Join NTUC so that in the uncertain future ahead, who knows what may happen.

For this scheme, it took us 10 years. From initial disagreements and the inability to see eye to eye — even if we have the same desires to help fellow Singaporeans — over 10 years, across all the levels of vast discussions, I’m glad we have landed on this point today. It is a first step in a changed world.

So let us come together as NTUC. Join us, so that we can represent you.

Coming back to e2i, I wish you the very best, whether you are looking for a job, or looking to upgrade yourselves, I’m glad that you are doing it.

NTUC will support you, and I’m confident that the Government will put in all the different necessary policies to help you as Singaporeans and move us to better lives and better livelihoods.

Thank you very much.