Model ID: 3759b942-78f9-419a-8dc2-bf2d2d01a050 Sitecore Context Id: 3759b942-78f9-419a-8dc2-bf2d2d01a050;

Union Steps In To Help Workers Affected By Plant Closure

FDAWU comes to the aid of 200 employees affected by closure of Coca-Cola bottling plant
Model ID: 3759b942-78f9-419a-8dc2-bf2d2d01a050 Sitecore Context Id: 3759b942-78f9-419a-8dc2-bf2d2d01a050;
22 Oct 2015
Model ID: 3759b942-78f9-419a-8dc2-bf2d2d01a050 Sitecore Context Id: 3759b942-78f9-419a-8dc2-bf2d2d01a050;

By Fawwaz Baktee

Food, Drinks and Allied Workers Union (FDAWU) will be working closely with the 200 employees affected by the closure of the Coca-Cola Singapore Beverages (CCSB) bottling plant in Tuas that was announced on 5 October 2015. Full closure of the plant is scheduled to be completed by February 2016.

Coca-Cola will be releasing the 200 workers in two batches; the first is scheduled for December this year and the other in February 2016.

"When FDAWU was informed of Coca-Cola's plans, it quickly commenced discussions with CCSB to ensure fair compensation and treatment for the affected employees. CCSB was committed to this, and has been open to the union's requests and suggestions,” said FDAWU General Secretary Tan Hock Soon.

Fair Compensation

FDAWU said that the company has “fulfilled the terms of retrenchment beyond industry norms” and have included offering affected workers more than one months’ salary per year of service.

CCSB has also made arrangements for counselling support and will reimburse affected union members with one year union membership fees. Of the 200 workers affected, 70 are union members.

FDAWU is also partnering with NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) to offer support services.

“Arrangements have been made for about half of the affected employees, who are Singaporeans and Permanent Residents, to attend a two-day employability camp,” said Mr Tan.

Affected workers will also be offered a five-day Med-Tech course and a two-day food and hygiene course. Individuals who complete the courses will receive a completion bonus from CCSB.

Source: NTUC This Week 

