Model ID: fa79bb09-e021-47b9-ba4f-ac872d35c947 Sitecore Context Id: fa79bb09-e021-47b9-ba4f-ac872d35c947;

Up to $650 Cash Relief for 13,000 Eligible Union Member Drivers and Riders

NTUC U FSE will administer a $4.28 million package to support combi bus, limousine and delivery drivers and riders who are members of the National Private Hire Vehicles Association (NPHVA) and National Delivery Champions Association (NDCA).
Model ID: fa79bb09-e021-47b9-ba4f-ac872d35c947 Sitecore Context Id: fa79bb09-e021-47b9-ba4f-ac872d35c947;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 21 Jun 2021
Model ID: fa79bb09-e021-47b9-ba4f-ac872d35c947 Sitecore Context Id: fa79bb09-e021-47b9-ba4f-ac872d35c947;

NTUC will give a financial boost to 13,000 drivers and riders through a one-off cash relief payment.

NTUC’s Freelancers and Self-Employed Unit (U FSE) announced the $4.28 million package on 18 June 2021.

U FSE will administer the package through the NTUC U FSE Relief Scheme.

The package will provide critical financial support to combi bus, limousine and delivery drivers and riders who are members of the National Private Hire Vehicles Association (NPHVA) and National Delivery Champions Association (NDCA).

Members will be eligible for one-off payment varying from $200 to $650, depending on their occupation and period they have been with the association.

U FSE said that it wants to help this group of vocational drivers and riders as there is a lack of targeted support for them, even though they are faced with lowered incomes due to a fall in ridership volumes and increased petrol duties.

Advisor to NTUC Director Yeo Wan Ling shared that NTUC is doing what it can to provide relief for its members during this period.

“I hope that this cash relief will help to ease the financial strain on our drivers and riders. The associations will continue to engage the drivers and riders and provide them with the necessary support through this challenging period and beyond,” said Ms Yeo, who is also an advisor to NPHVA and NDCA.

Eligibility Criteria

Members must be a freelance combi bus, limousine or delivery driver and rider to benefit from the scheme. They also cannot be a previous recipient of the COVID-19 Driver Relief Fund.

Combi bus and limousine drivers must hold a valid vocational license, while eligible delivery drivers and riders are those who use petrol-powered vehicles.

Applicants are also required to provide supporting documents such as proof of trade income, vehicle type and self-employed status.

Interested applicants can apply online, or in-person at Begonia Terrace located at Downtown East. Bookings for in-person applications have to be made prior to the appointment.

The application period is between 21 June 2021 to 16 July 2021.

Cash Relief Tier

The cash relief would be tiered, depending on when the individual became a member.

NPHVA combi bus and limousine drivers who became members on or before 1 March 2021 can receive up to $650. Those who joined after will be entitled to $600.

NDCA members with petrol-driven motorcycles can receive up to $250 if they joined the union on or before 1 March 2021, and $200 if they joined after.

NDCA members using petrol/hybrid cars can receive up to $400 if they joined before 1 March 2021, and $350 for after.

NPHVA President Mohamad Azan, who is also a limousine driver, said that NPHVA has been continuously advocating for support to help drivers tide over the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Even though we have moved into Phase 3 (Heightened Alert), we foresee that restrictions will take time to be lifted and ridership volumes will not drastically increase immediately. I’m grateful for the timely support from the NTUC U FSE Relief Scheme, which will offer our drivers some relief,” he said.

Click here for more information on the U FSE Relief Scheme.