Board of Trustees


The appointment of the Board of Trustees shall be carried out by the Board of Trustees of the Fund in consultation with the NTUC Central Committee. The NTUC Central Committee may nominate any individuals it considers suitable for appointment to the Board of Trustees, provided always that the appointment of such individuals shall be subject to the independence requirement in the

Charities (Institutions of a Public Character) Regulations.


The Board of Trustees of the Fund shall consist of no fewer than ten (10) members, including a Chairman, a Treasurer and at least eight (8) other trustees. The Board Term Limit is a maximum of three (3) terms, with three (3) years as the length of each term of office (i.e. maximum nine (9) years). At any point, any Board of Trustees can request to step down from the Board or decline re-appointment. The Treasurer shall be appointed for a maximum of three (3) consecutive years. There shall be a member of staff performing secretariat functions.


Any change to the composition of the Board of Trustees shall be done in consultation with the Central Committee prior to the change being effected. Any change to the Board of Trustees shall be notified to the Registrar of Trade Unions and the Commissioner of Charities within two (2) weeks of the changes.


The Board is conscious of the need for Board renewal from time to time and has been working on this continually and systematically to ensure that transition is smooth and without disruption. There is no Board member who has served on the Board for more than 10 years.



I) Induction of New Directors and Training

NTUC has in place an induction briefing for all new Board of Trustees. Board of Trustees are also encouraged to undergo continual training through the various courses and webinars that are conducted by NCSS, NVPC, MCCY and other relevant organisations.


II) Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct for its Board of Trustees is strictly adhered to. As members of the Charity, the Board of Trustees has an obligation to act in the best interest of the Charity. Hence, the Board of Trustees need to avoid situations where there may be real, potential or perceived conflicts of interest, which may arise where a member’s personal or family interest conflicts with those of the Charity.


Whenever a member of the Board of Trustees is in any way, directly or indirectly, has an interest in a transaction or project or other matter to be discussed at a meeting, the member shall disclose the nature of his/her interest before the discussion on the matter begins. The member concerned shall not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter, and should also offer to withdraw from the meeting and the Board of Trustees shall decide if this should be accepted.


III) Strategic Planning

The Board of Trustees holds strategic planning sessions regularly with the Executive Management to review and set strategic directions for the organisation, to ensure that the programmes, services and activities are in line with its Fund’s objects.


IV) Reserved Matters

In the various policies that are in place and in the regulations of the NTUC- U Care Fund, there are critical matters that cannot be undertaken by the Board of Trustees solely. The following matters are to be decided in consultation with the NTUC Central Committee i.e. Amendment of the Fund's objects, composition of the Board of Trustees and discontinuance of the Fund for whatsoever reason.


V) Board of Trustees' Committee Meeting

The Board of Trustees shall meet at least twice a year and whenever the Chairman deems necessary and expedient. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Board of Trustees unless there is quorum of at least one-third of the Board. All matters at a meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be decided by a simple majority of votes except for those under the Reserved Matters. Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be recorded by the staff performing secretariat functions and shall contain the number and the names of those present and a brief record of business done and decisions taken.



Updated on 31 July 2024


Mr Jason Leow


Advisor, CapitaLand Group

Mr Lim Teck Chuan


Vice-President, NTUC Central Committee | President, Advanced Manufacturing Employees' Union (AMEU)

Mr Arasu Duraisamy


Secretary for Financial Affairs, NTUC Central Committee | President, Singapore Port Workers Union (SPWU)

Ms Julie Cheong


Member, NTUC Central Committee | President, Food, Drinks & Allied Workers Union (FDAWU)

Mr Yeo Chun Fing

Member | Chairman, Audit Committee

Advisor, International Relations Committee, NTUC | Advisor, Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE)

Mr Chak Kong Soon

Member | Vice-Chairman, Audit Committee | Vice-Chairman, Fundraising Committee

Managing Partner, Stream Global Pte Ltd

Mr Kho Choon Keng

Member | Chairman, Fundraising Committee

Executive Chairman, Lian Huat Group

Mr Ong Chee Keong


CEO, Singapore Global Trust

Mr Michael Teo


Partner, Co- Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Avanda Investment Management

Ms Aileen Tan


Group Chief People and Sustainability Officer, SingTel

Mr Chia Hock Lai

Member | Member, Audit Committee

CEO, Switchnovate Pte Ltd

Ms Faith Hong

Member | Member, Audit Committee | Member, Fundraising Committee

President, Union of ITE Training Staff (UITS)

Mr Patrick Cheo

Member | Member, Fundraising Committee

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group (AKLTG)

Mr Jack Wang

Member | Member, Audit Committee

Finance Director, CTH Group