About the NTUC Family Membership

NTUC Family Membership is created with your family in mind. Aimed at helping you to lower your cost of living, this programme is specially curated to support our Union Members with additional cost-effective saving opportunities to help care and provide for your non-working loved ones.


With the NTUC Family Membership, you and up to four additional family members get access to exclusive privileges. These benefits are on top of your regular shopping discounts, which include higher rebates on utility and telco bills, savings on healthcare and wellness services, and more.

Additional perks

Nominate your family members* and save together!

Free 1-Year nEbO Membership worth more than $200

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Book an appointment

Click on the ‘book an appointment’ button at the top of the page to sign up or click here

Make payment

Make payment at NTUC Members’ Hub and let us know the details of the nominated family members

Enjoy the benefits

After completing application and payment, your NFM will commence on the 1st of the following month

Frequently asked questions

NFM membership is charged annually at $24. You may pay via Cash/NETS/Credit Card at the NTUC Members’ Hub.

You may cancel the appointment and reschedule a new appointment at http://ntuc.co/NFM-mbrshubappt.

No, only non-union members can be nominated. Eligible next of kin for the NFM refers to the Main Member’s non-working parent(s) or parent(s)-in-law, or the Main Member’s non-working children who are 24 years old and below.

Yes, you can nominate your non-working parents or parents-in-law who are not staying with you.

After completing your application and payment, your NFM will commence on the 1st of the following month. For example, if you signed up on 10 March 2021, your NFM will start from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

You will receive a reminder email/SMS one month before the expiration of your NFM. The email/SMS will advise on the process and payment mode to renew your NFM.

No physical cards will be issued. The Main Member and next of kin will receive monthly emails containing downloadable e-Coupons that can be saved on their mobile phones. For physical redemption, present the e-coupon to the merchant to redeem the promotion. If it is an online merchant, simply enter the promo code in the e-coupon before carting out.

nEbO is a lifestyle membership for the youth. If your child/children are between 12-24 years old, nominate and fill up the nEbO application form during the sign-up. The 1-year nEbO membership card for your child/children will be mailed to you by post. If your child is an existing nEbO member, the 1-year nEbO membership will not be applicable. You may click on this link to check if your child is an existing nEbO member.

Yes, you may submit a request to update existing next of kin details via our Virtual Assistant at ntuc.co/chat and is subject to approval.

NFM fee is an upfront payment of $24 for one year regardless of the number of family members (up to 4). There is no pro-rated fee.

NFM is exclusive to your family members and is non-transferable.

If you wish to cancel your NFM, please submit a request via our Virtual Assistant at ntuc.co/chat

You are strongly encouraged to continue your membership till the last paid period as there will not be any refund for the membership fee paid. If your NTUC Union membership is cancelled, your NFM will also cease.

The Family Membership scheme organised by the National Trades Union Congress (the “NFM” or “NTUC Family Membership”) is a new membership program under which an existing member of the NTUC Membership (the “Main Member” or “Main Applicant”) is allowed to nominate 4 non-working next of kins (“NOKs” or “Family Members”) to join as NFM members, subject to the terms and conditions herein.
View full terms and conditions